At Alert Level 1 many businesses are still working remotely.  Here are some top tips to keep your team motivated, accountable and enjoy going to the office each day.

Create a work environment

When we feel like we are at work, we are more likely to perform that way.  Find yourself a dedicated space at home to be your ‘office’.  If it can be away from ‘high traffic’ areas such as the kitchen table, so much the better.

Start at roughly the same time every day, time block your tasks and get dressed.  These steps all help towards creating (and sticking to) a professional environment at home.

Check-in with each other

Nothing replaces face-to-face time.  Quick, but regular Zoom meetings remind your team that you are there to answer their questions and help keep them on track.  Many will be missing the office bunter around the water pooler and discussing last night’s Masterchef elimination.

Set expectations

Talk to team members about possible distractions they may be experiencing. Some might need to find a balance if they are working at odd hours, while still being available for regular office times.  Encourage everyone to suggest ways the team as a whole can separate their work and life commitments and achieve balance.

We also recommend all team members add to a google doc of what their tasks are for the following day. This way, everyone can see what each individual is working on, making each person more accountable.

Lead by example

Discovered a new 10-minute abs workout?  Exercise and time away from the desk is just as important as meeting deadlines because good mental health is strongly linked to work productivity.  Brain breaks, a walk around the block or playing with the family pet for 15 minutes are easy, achievable ways your employees can refresh, take stock and come back to work – and ready to work.

Shake things up a bit

If your business is taking a little longer to recover from lockdown months, adapt and use this time to upskill team members.  There are lots of ways employees can learn new and practical skills via company training videos and free business coaching.  Auckland City Libraries offer some excellent material via the business and industry online resources.

It’s also the perfect time for some in-house maintenance.  You know, those things you would do if you ever got the time!  Think about:

  1. Someone writing blog content for the website.
  2. Updating your client database.
  3. What about a customer satisfaction survey?
  4. Could admin staff benefit from customer call training?
  5. Do you need a virtual reception short term?

Corporate Connect help New Zealand businesses with these, and hundreds of other customer-focused skills.   We understand that you sometimes need additional help with product launches, bad reviews and peak times. But, that you also need help generating business and lifting team morale in quieter times.