We have often mentioned the importance of collecting data in your contact centre as it is an invaluable source of information that can revolutionise the way you do business. An area which is often neglected is using call disposition codes.

Also called activity codes, call disposition codes categorise calls depending on the reason for them, their nature, their outcome and the type of action required by the call centre. All agents have to do is choose from drop-down menus, and with just a few clicks, you will have a gold mine of information at your fingertips.

Here are the main benefits of using call disposition codes.

1. Better flow of information within the contact centre

Without call disposition codes, an agent would have to send emails or call their supervisors to inform them of the outcome of a call. With the use of these codes, the information is made available to anybody who needs it, almost in real time.

2. More efficient follow-up process

Resolving queries that couldn’t be sorted out with one call relies on agents remembering to forward the details of the call to another part of the team. When a contact centres experiences high call volume, you can see how easily this can be forgotten.

By using disposition codes, not only will you gain information on first-call resolution rates, but following up on such queries will also be made easier. Agents will just have to click on the relevant code at the end of a conversation for details of the call to be forwarded to the right person automatically with notes on the issues requiring follow up.

3. Instant customer overview

Knowledge is power!

Disposition codes can be customised to whatever is more relevant to a contact centre. This means that you can build customer profiles easily, which will enable your company to provide better quality of service.

4. Keeping management informed

Disposition codes will enable managers to have access to information readily and keep track of the call history of the company’s most important partners or clients.

Optimising call lists An out-of-date call list will waste your agents’ time. With disposition codes, you can label numbers that are no longer valid, incorrect or keep track of people who don’t want to be contacted again. thus saving your staff from making unproductive phone calls.